My last toy.

Les VW Australiennes.

Les plages Australiennes.

Mon buggy.

Comment me contacter.

Vos impressions.

Les animaux australiens.

rien encore 02

Mes vws ici et en France.

Les problemes de mon buggy

Le Zoo de Perth.

rien encore 06

Weekend a Margaret River.

Sebastien autour du monde.

Les autres vehicules australiens.

rien encore 11


After all this time, they are finally there, the first pics of Australia, well in fact it's my buggy in Australia..


This is a 1961 Taipan Australian made Beach buggy on a vw base.
It has changed a bit from the original configuration, and you'll discover
the features along with the other photos.


The original colour was black and white as the licence confirms it.
But I couldn't tell you what was in black and what was in white.
I would guess that the top part of the body would have been in white and the bottom part in black.
As for now it's blue all round. A dark blue on the bottom part and on the floor pan,
and a lighter blue on the rest of the body.


Unfortunately, there's no chrome part remaining, (I would have much preferred chromed head lights)
The seats are too worn to stay without a cover, even if these one aren't so pretty,
they are still better than the original seats considering their state.
There is no back canopy, and anyway it wouldn't be legal as it's a 2 seat car.


As we are looking at the engine, I'll tell you more about it here.
I don't know when in this buggy's life, the engine was changed advantageously for a 1800cc engine.
It has also twin port heads, 009 distributor, double zoomy exhaust, a Weber 36 central carby.
Mre than enough to have lots of fun
The gear box has been replaced by a close ratio one (nice thought for these quick starts).
For now this engine is in the garage, anda 1600cc engine has been fitted to cruise around. The 1800cc need minor work and the 1600cc is a good alternative while the work is beeing done.


As for the wheels, the are 5 stud VW: front in 175SRx13', and rear in 265x50x14'.
These are road tires, but Off Road tires on 15'rims will soon be fitted for these sand dune weekends
I'll also need additional head lights as these one are alright for road use as there is good road lighting installation here, but very limited if I'm on my own.


Let's talk about what you can't see on these pics.
First of all the crazy chicks I've picked up with this mad car,.................hi hi hiiiiiiiiiiiii (I wish I did).
No let's stay serious, the soft top isn't in place as it's a bit torn, and is waiting for repair. As it's still sunny out there I'm not rushed, but as soon as it's a bit chilier i'll hate myself for not having repaired it quicker. And anyway i need to have the back of the roll cage made for me as there is a piece missing which holds the soft top up and tight. Now the dash board: I haven't taken a pic yet but i will. The original speedometer has been taken out, and the hole properly filled. Now everything is around the steering wheel: Speedometer, fuel tank gauge, rpm meter oils pressure, temperature, and all in the same series from VDO.
One last line to say that a "interior" light has been fitted and a clock too.