Trois semaines pour visiter le Nord de l'Etat.

Les VW Australiennes.

Les plages Australiennes.

Mon buggy.

Comment me contacter.

Vos impressions.

Les animaux australiens.

rien encore 02

Mes vws ici et en France.

Les problemes de mon buggy

Le Zoo de Perth.

rien encore 06

Weekend a Margaret River.

Sebastien autour du monde.

Les autres vehicules australiens.

rien encore 11


Here you'll create or edit a custom page for your Web site.
Nous avons passe 3 heures pour les trouver, mais nous sommes revenus avec quelques branches d'Eucalyptus rongees par les termites.

Encore un peu de travail et on peut en faire un tres beau didgeridoo.

Le 1er arret de notre voyage est a Geralton. En passant a travers la ville, nous avons tous remarque ces belles dunes de sable. J'ai eu l'opportunite d'emprunter la planche de sand-board d'un copain, et voila l'occasion dee l'essayer

Etape suivante (apres avoir passe une nuit dans le van, a ne pas faire 2 fois) Shark Bay. Malgre son nom ce n'est pas la que j'ai fait la charmante rencontre de requins. Par contre on s'est arrete pour se balader sur cette plage "Shell beach". Elle porte un tel nom car cec n'est pas du sable que vous voyez, mais bien des petit coquillages blancs.

This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.
  Here you'll create or edit a custom page for your Web site.
Use this template for any additional information you need such as products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information It's important to regularly change the content on your site and make updates to the information that you display. Doing this will help you to get more return visitors.

Here you'll create or edit a custom page for your Web site.
Use this template for any additional information you need such as products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information It's important to regularly change the content on your site and make updates to the information that you display. Doing this will help you to get more return visitors.

Add your link here

Here you'll create or edit a custom page for your Web site.
Use this template for any additional information you need such as products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information It's important to change the content on your site and make updates to the information that you display. Doing this will help you to get more return visitors.

Add your link here

This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.

This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.